
The 1966 Story

Rum was invented in Barbados, and over the next few hundred years, the industry grew on the backs of Black labor, sweat, and blood. By the time of Barbados independence in 1966, rum had already become part of the fabric of the island, and the rest of the Caribbean. It became integral to almost every milestone from loss to celebration.

As a child of Bajan immigrants, I grew up watching my uncles sip rum on the porch while my aunts poured unmeasured servings of rum to make black cake. Rum punch became the featured drink of choice at Christmas in our household, and it never failed to elicit a smile at first sip. I went through dozens of iterations of classic Bajan rum punch recipes and played around with countless spices and techniques in order to make sure that whatever I concocted in the kitchen would leave people wanting more, and that's what we’ve created. 1966: Artisanal Rum Punch leaves you wanting more. 

The 1966 recipe holds true to the Bajan classic at its core, while expanding its reach to bridge Africa and the Caribbean. 1966: Artisanal Rum Punch uses South African rum produced from sugar cane grown in the Western Cape of South Africa, fresh citrus, spices, cane sugar, and bitters to bring you something distinctly refreshing and delicious.

Every sip brings you the complex flavors of rum intertwined with a blend of spices and balanced with just the right amount of cane sugar. We look forward to pouring a drink with you.

- Ajani Husbands, Founder of 1966: Artisanal Rum Punch